Krasnodar Research Institute of Fishery
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Krasnodar Research Institute of Fishery was established in 1960.
The first scientists, who managed the work of the Institute, were: Strelnikov S.I.- the first Director, Bizyaev I.N.- Deputy Director, Chizhov N.I.- Director of the Institute in 1966-1977, Kalinich D.S. - Deputy Director; Heads of Laboratories: Soukhanova E.R., Bolshakov S.K., Bishev L.L., Levichev A.M., Abaev Yu.I., Moskalev Yu.V., Kornienko G.S., Demyanko V.F., Afanasiev V.I.,(Director of the Institute in 1978-1981),
Gepetsky N.E., Kozlov V.I., Moskul G.A., Voronov P.M., Doukhovenko G.S., Souleimanyan V.S., Larina R.A., Chesnokova T.V., Demchenko V.A., Abramovich L.S., Troitsky B.N., Seropyan A.G., Petrichenko L.K.,
Korolev A.P., Motenkov Yu.M., Tolpeko N.M. (Head of Research Information Department), Sklyarov V.Y.
(the first Head of Laboratory of Fish Feeding and Physiology).
In 1982-1988 the Institute was directed by Shevchenko V.P.
Kujbyshev Laboratory of the State Research Institute on Lake and River Fisheries was transferred to the Institute
in 1982; Anadromous and Semi-Anadromous Fish Reproduction Department of the Azov Research Institute
of Fishery - in 1987 (the Head of the Department - Chebanov M. S.). Berezovskaya V. I. directed the Department for a long period in the past.
The Laboratory of Ecological Fundamentals of Mariculture was established at the same time. (Yeletsky B. D. was the Head of the Laboratory).
In 1993 the Institute "Hydrorybproject" was included into the Krasnodar Research Institute of Fishery structure
as a Department.
In 2001 KrasNIIRKH celebrated it's fortieth anniversary. At present the Institute and its subdivisions in Republic of Adygeja, cities Samara and Tolyatty constitute a part of association "State-cooperative amalgamation of fish industry" (Posrybkhoz) of Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. There are four departments and eight laboratories in the Institute. The total staff is 154 employees. Among them 8 - have a doctor's degree, 18 - a candidate's degree. Since the Institute foundation there have been defended 59 theses, ten of them for a doctor, s degree, over 100 books published including regulatory documents for fishery enterprises. High-rate technologies for the fish-raising stock and commercial fish production yielding 60-80 centners per hectare with minimal expenditure of feed and fertilizers; technologies of commercial fish rearing in ponds without artificial feed and with limited feed that permit to obtain fish products with standard mass and minimal cost have been developed by the Institute specialists. Technology of sturgeon marketable pond rearing using dry pelleted feeds and technology of white carp fish-raising stock combined rearing with silver carp, yielding 2t per hectare for estuary stocking have been developed recently. The scientists of the Institute have developed and implemented rational fish fodders for valuable fish species. The technology of the year round rearing of sturgeon fry with the use of shop for the long-term maturing of breeders and power unit warm waters has also been developed and implemented by the Institute specialists. The unique collection of various sturgeon species, several carp breeds are available. Research in the field of reproduction and rearing of various valuable fish species of different age groups is conducted at the unique warm water experimental farm of the Institute. Technical rule and terms have been developed for various kinds of canned food production from the local fish raw material, preserves and culinary products. During the last 40 years Krasnodar Research Institute of Fishery has been the only Institute specializing in the development of fresh water aquaculture technologies in the South of Russia. The Institute systematically takes part in the union, republic, regional scientific meetings and workshops, exhibitions. From 1996 till 2001 KrasNIIRKH was an organizer of the two International Symposiums "Resource-Sparing Technologies in Aquaculture", the International Conferences "Herbivorous Fish Species Reproduction Problems", "Problems and Prospects of Aquaculture Development in Russia". The Institute participates in the International Projects and Programmers (the USA, Belgium, France, Hungary, China, Germany, Syria, Bulgaria and Israel). |
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